Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Geisha Thumbnails Continued

So, I got some feedback on my thumbnails, and it was suggested that they were too small to be useful as a compositional tool. The size that was suggested to me was the size of a post-it note. Luckily, my illustration sketchbook is about that size, so I did a few pages of quick gestural sketches.

Oddly enough, Blogspot is displaying my last drawing first, and my first drawing last. So this is where I wound up. I was thinking mostly about attitude and narrative. The creator of the character gave me more to work with in terms of her identity.

She's a women who was forced in to indentured servitude as a geisha because she had a terminal illness and her family couldn't afford to take care of itself. Her only friend, the head of the corporation that created her, is murdered and she is given a secret which will unravel that threat.

Now, I would have a tough time communicating the specifics of her story in a single image. Instead, I'm letting that primer guide the attitude that I give her.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Android Geisha

This piece is commissioned. Specifically, the client wanted me to come up with an android geisha. He wants the skin to be metallic, but pliable, and for her to have hair. Other than that, I have carte blanch.

To begin I came up with some thumbnails. These thumbnails are no bigger than inch, most are half that. They will appear bigger on your screen than they actually are (probably).

Thoughts? Input? Ideas?

Welcome to the Education of Morgan

This is where I will direct people that I'm looking to tap for advice and guidance. Whereas my other art blog is about "showing off" my work to potential clients. This blog is about showing work to my teachers in the hopes of gaining guidance.